Saturday, May 07, 2005
Judge Sentelle and company questioned whether the FCC could ban certain types of digital TV receivers.
Here is an article: Courts say no to the broadcast flag
I am surprised. Good news for TiVo and PC peripheral card makers.
I wonder if the studios could allow their content only on certain devices, and if the device does not comply, the content will not work?
Device to Studios (in high level encryption):
"I am protecting your content, here is my model number and secret password to prove it"
Studio to Advertising company:
"Hey, I have demographic x, y, z with attributes a, b, c"
Advertising company to Studio:
"Kewl, here's a neat ad set"
Studio to Device:
"Okay, I see you are who are you say you are, here's your comercial set, and what you need for my content"
Here is an article: Courts say no to the broadcast flag
I am surprised. Good news for TiVo and PC peripheral card makers.
I wonder if the studios could allow their content only on certain devices, and if the device does not comply, the content will not work?
Device to Studios (in high level encryption):
"I am protecting your content, here is my model number and secret password to prove it"
Studio to Advertising company:
"Hey, I have demographic x, y, z with attributes a, b, c"
Advertising company to Studio:
"Kewl, here's a neat ad set"
Studio to Device:
"Okay, I see you are who are you say you are, here's your comercial set, and what you need for my content"
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